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Whistleblower Channel

Secure Communication


Login Aduana constantly seeks to develop the best solution to support its customers and partners, strengthening its culture of integrity, ethics and values.

It then implemented an independent and impartial channel, available to internal and external audiences.

It promoted a safe environment for receiving complaints about violations of the Code of Conduct, the practice of crimes, acts of improbity, corruption, violation of rules, laws or any other illicit act practiced against the company or partners.

Through a form, you can send your report, maintaining your anonymity, on topics such as: Fraud, Corruption or Bribery; Irregularities in Bidding or Contracts; Harassment or Discrimination; Robbery or Theft; Violation of the Code of Conduct; Violation of Laws, Rules and Regulations; Conflict of interests; Misuse of Goods or Services.

Any person, from the company or outside it, who wants to report a fact of suspected misconduct, must use the Whistleblower Channel Form. Exclusive for this purpose, it is structured to guarantee absolute confidentiality, protecting anonymity and preserving information. Our treatment of facts will always be guided by respect and consideration.

Code of Conduct

Discover our Code of Conduct, Ethics and Complaint Policy.


Do not be silent! Use our form and make your complaint.


Our compromise


Login Aduana's Code of Ethics translates the values that must be observed and cultivated by all levels of the company in the relationship with the various segments of society, whether in Brazil or abroad, because we strive to build lasting relationships, based on respect for the needs and expectations of our different audiences.


The positive practices of a moral code guide us towards life in society, strengthen the cohesion of the bonds that guarantee social solidarity. Login Aduana has this commitment, therefore, our professionals and all who act on its behalf are guided in these fundamental principles.


We reiterate our commitment to the legality and transparency of our management actions. Our guidelines guarantee a healthy and safe coexistence for all people, whether indoors or online. The Code of Ethics and Conduct reminds us of the company's non-negotiable values, guaranteeing an organizational culture based on this commitment.