Services :. Space Lease (Special Services)
In essence, the General Warehouse provides support to companies that, due to lack of space in their industrial or commercial units, need to send their goods for temporary storage in external warehouses, without payment of taxes and through the symbolic issuance of a Simple Shipment Note. When this merchandise is sold or your return is requested to the original owner, the general store issues a Return Note. General warehouses are inspected in all Brazilian states through their respective trade boards.
General warehouses in the port areas are usually used mainly by exporting customers, who send their goods in full or in lots.
The initial pillar of any of our consultancies is the diagnosis, since it is through him that we will study your company, identify critical and necessary points of actions.
With the concept of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing), we transform your fixed cost into a variable. We indicate the best operations in the main ports and airports in Brazil.